Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Double page spread final cut

This is my final cut for my double page spread not as much has changed on my double page spread as my other pages however I still think I've made significant changes.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Contents page final cut

This is my final cut for my contents page, it almost looks a completely different page since my rough cut.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Front cover final cut

This is my final cut for my media studies music magazine. I have made many changes since my rough cut.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Front cover photo change

After receiving my rough cut improvements back I realised that my front cover photo wasn't as high quality focus as I'd want. I I decided to retake the photo making sure to have it as focused as possible. To add darken the photo I also edited my photo on photoshop adjusting the opacity and contrast.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Extra photo

Today I took and added my forth photo to my double page spread. I chose to have my model perched on the lines that form his name. To do this I used a table in the media studio then through using photoshop I cut out the table so I had my model perfectly perched on top of the lines.

Friday, 19 April 2013

More photos

Today I took several new possible photos for my contents page and double page spread as the current photos weren't strong enough.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Contents page changes

After handing in my rough cut it was decided that my contents page photo wasn't strong enough for an image dominant contents page so I had to change it. After looking at other image dominant contents pages I noticed that the more effective ones tend to have the model looking right into the lens. I followed this convention when taking my new photos. In the end I decided on this photo as it was clear, nicely proportioned and I thought it would incorporate well into the page.