Friday 22 March 2013


I have recently came back from a holiday in Barcelona. Whilst in Barcelona I decided I was going to make final decisions on my model names. Whilst there I thought about the names of the people I'd met. In the end I decided on the name "Jesse Sanson" for the male and "Rosie Rendles" for the female.

Gold bubble

Today on photoshop I created a good bubble to advertise free posters on my magazine. I originally wanted to make it yellow to alert the reader to it. However I then seen a bubble on Q magazine which was gold. I liked the gold a lot more as it looked more classy; it also would not clash with any colour scheme I chose.

Double page spread first draft

This is my first official draft of my double page spread I have gone through many different layouts and poses. This is my final draft and I will begin making it in photoshop soon.