Thursday 31 January 2013

Contents page Analysis

 Simplicity/clear – The contents page is shown as simply, clear and easily to interpretate. This is important as the contents page must be easily understandable to avoid confusion between pages. The white background is good as it makes all text clear, causing a contrast with any colour. My contents page will also be clear and easy to read as it is targeted to a young audience so has to be appropriate to:
1) Their reading ability
2)  Attention span
3) gender 

Title - The title of the contents page is a lot larger and normally placed in the top left corner. Although in this example it is placed almost in the center of the page because the image is taking up majority of the page. I am going to make my title higher up then this one as i think the image should be a minor element of the page and the actual information should take up more of the page making it clearer to read.

Numbered - All the pages are clearly numbered and colour coded again conforming to the connotations that contents pages are clear and concise. My magazine will also be as clear as this however I think too many colours have been used on this contents page. The 'rainbow effect' this creates is quite childish, appealing to a audience that is perhaps too young to be reading a school magazine. I am again sticking to the minimalism look using around three different colours - like the front cover.

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