Thursday 21 March 2013

Lana Del Rey NME double page spread analysis

This NME double page spread goes against regular convention by applying a black and white photo and creating a high contrast difference on the article page by using opposite colours blue and orange. The photographer has chosen to use a black and white photo because of the artist, Lana Del Rey's music is mainly sad slow songs. The black and white effect presents this as she is not vibrant and 'pop' she is 'traditional.' I am going to relate my photograph choice to my artist and article when I make my double page spread as I think it proves a more effective collective page as everything ties in for a purpose. The choice to add the small facts table in the middle of the chart is relevant to the article 'Mission accomplished. As it is showing how much she has accomplished. In my double page spread I am going to add either a chart or quote to my relating to my article.

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